Connect with God through the Celtic Tradition

Every third Sunday at 5pm

Celtic Worship in Ascension is an opportunity to reconnect with God through a quiet and meditative liturgy. Participants are invited to breathe with the Spirit, to ponder the things of God, and be centered in heart, soul, mind, and spirit.

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Being present with God need not be difficult.

Our Celtic Worship Service is drawn from the liturgical traditions of early Celtic Christians from Ireland and the Isle of Iona, off the coast of Scotland. Iona is one of the key places of continuing Celtic traditions.

In the Sixth Century A.D., an Irish monk set about converting pre-Christians in Scotland and Northern England to the Christian faith. Saint Columba was an Irish abbot. He founded the Celtic Abbey of the Isle of Iona, thought to be the birthplace of Christianity in Scotland.

We begin our time of silence in community with others. The Rev. Dr. John Phillip Newell in his book, Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality, discusses how the early Celtic Christians valued “listening for the Sacred deep within ourselves, with one another, and within the body of the earth for the beat of the Sacred Presence.”

This candle-lit evening service has beautiful contemplative music and periods of silence to provide a place to listen to God. The atmosphere is one of stillness and calm. Candle lighting is an ancient ritual, which allows us to take prayerful action, and where our journeys meet.

What to expect?

Starting at 5:00 pm there is a half-hour of quiet reflection that precedes the service.

When you enter the darkened nave you will see three burning candles on the altar by the cross. You may approach the altar and light one of the smaller candles while saying a silent prayer. As the candles are lit one at a time, the cross becomes surrounded by the light of those prayers.

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