We are a people committed to growing together in faith. We do so through conversation, challenging questions, deep listening, and continuous reflection on scripture, sacred writings, and faithful scholarship. Delve into the deep waters of life in Christ with us. Where two or three are gathered, Christ is with us.
Sundays at 9:15am in the Parish Hall.
The adult education Sunday school series begins September 15. The theme for this semester’s topic is called, Journeys of Healing and Reconciliation. Small groups will gather in the parish hall from 9:15 until 10:15. Each session begins with a moment of prayer, followed by a meditation written by a clergy person tied with Scripture. After a moment of silence, a group discussion commences. No preparation or registration is needed before attending a class. All are welcome. For more information, please contact Fr. Christopher Hogin
Have you ever wanted to study the Bible in a deeper way? Journey Through the Bible every Thursday in the Parish Hall at 11:45am and 5pm. Jump in at any week or follow with us online.
Current Reading Schedule:
September 5th- Deuteronomy Wrap Up
September 12th- NO CLASS
September 19th- Gospel of John Intro
September 26th- John
October 3rd- John
October 10th- John
Education for Ministry (EfM) is a non-credit extension program of the University of the South School of Theology. Continuing Education Unit credits are available. EfM is a four year program covering the Old Testament in the first year, the New Testament in the second year, Church History in the third year, and Theology in the fourth year. Ascension is excited to offer a session on Friday mornings at 9:00 am. The cost per year is $375, which includes books. For more information, contact info@knoxvilleascension.org.
Sunday Service Times
8:00AM & 10:30AM
Thank you for reaching out. We look forward to connecting with you and finding ways to help you connect with God. Church of the Ascension is a Spirit-filled place, and we know it is a place you can call home.
If you need immediate, pastoral attention, please call the church office at 865.588.0589.