


Ascension’s youth group consists of teens in grades 6-12 who are interested in fellowship, fun, and faith! We also offer occasional weekend outings and participate in service projects and Diocesan youth events such as New Beginnings and Happening. All are welcome, all are affirmed, and all will be loved by our community and loved by God. For more information on AYG programs please contact the Youth Minister, Alexander Thomas.

      Ascension’s Youth Ministry encompasses all middle and high school-aged students. Since COVID we have been rebuilding our youth ministry from the ground up and that means a few exciting things are on the horizon! This year, the different Episcopal Youth Groups in Knoxville will meet combined on Sunday afternoons for Youth Group. This initiative is a collaboration between all of our parishes, the diocese and some of the staff at Grace Point.

     The biggest support you can be for our youth is by keeping us in your prayers and talking with the youth when you see them at the Church. To me, youth ministry is all about relationships and conversations. Anytime you talk with a youth, it builds their connection to the church and to God.


If you’d like more time to meet the youth, please join us for Formation on Sunday mornings or at any of our other offerings; we can always use more chaperones! If you are looking for conversation topics, our Formation series for this year is about the basics of a “spiritual Life” with lessons ranging from prayer to belief to service as well as all matters of growing up which all of us can share our own experiences. Thank you for your continued support of our young persons and the church of tommorrow.

September Youth Offerings

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Please fill out this form if your child would like to or is interested in joining our Youth Group


Youth Director:
Alexander Thomas

Hello Everyone!

I am so very excited to be working with our Youth here at Ascension. My for a year and a half I have served here as the Media Evangelist and I am overjoyed to be our Youth and Media Evangelist. I have served previously at St Elizabeth Episcopal Church as Childrens and Youth Director as well as Media Specialist and with College students at Tyson House Campus Ministry. Previous to that, while I was in college, I served as the Youth Intern for Middle Schoolers at the Church I was raised in.

I can't wait for what's in store this year with Ascension's Youth!

Email Alexander Here
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